Upcoming Games
9th Annual G&G Event

Sat. May 10 - Sun. May 11
Briefing Starts at 9:30 AM
$80.00 per player
This will be an objective-based event with points. In 2025, you'll get to experience multiple Shipping Containers located by the prison area, the Bandit Camp, and the Docks area, along with more placed around the Village. We'll also feature some of the most popular props we've used in the past, along with a few new ones we haven't even shared with our employees yet. Like in previous years this will be a Single Fire Event due to props on Saturday. Sunday will be different games.
Our 9th annual G&G Event is a two-day event. After receiving positive feedback over the past couple of years, we're happy to offer players the option to attend one day or both days. This will be reflected in the price breakdown. After April 15th, the price will increase by $10 for Saturday, while Sunday's price will remain the same.
Once again, G&G is sending us items to give away (the giveaway will take place at the end of lunch on Saturday). Amanda and Randy will be attending this event. For those who don't know, Amanda is the CEO of G&G, and Randy, her husband, does a lot for us as well. He makes it out even when Amanda's schedule doesn't permit it. So Go Airsoft will also be on-site.
The first 75 pre-registered attendees will receive a laser-engraved coin to add your The Rock event collection. We are also working on a patch for this event, so stay tuned!
There is free camping available, but with no services. We will be doing a night game (weather permitting). Lunch will be available. Tan/MC teams will be together, and Green/Black teams will be together, with Civilians joining whichever team is short on players.
In previous years, this event has attracted over 250 players, and last year we hit 350 players. (Thankfully, we added even more camping area this year.) We also added Friday night chrono and check-in at the camping area to help speed things up on Saturday morning.
Come out and help us celebrate our 9th year for the G&G Event! Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates as we get closer to the event.
Register Sat. Only $65.00
Register Sun. Only $30.00
The Rock Airsoft Waiver
More rules may be given at the event either to everyone, groups, or individuals. Those rules must also be followed.
PLEASE DRIVE SAFELY WHEN COMING TO THE FIELD. PLEASE KEEP ALL GUNS IN A BAG OR IN A SAFE LOCATION WHEN NOT USING. Please drive slowly on the gravel road leading up to The Rock Airsoft. Our neighbors support us. And we want to keep it that way. They have kids and livestock. Be considerate.
NO FIREWORKS. Only Enola Gay smokes and EG-67's are allowed. (Do NOT throw into Conex's) Anything else must be approved.
Bring your Barrel Block. Mandatory. Insurance Requirement!!!
Not following any of the rules may result in being removed from the game. Certain or repeated violations could result in being removed for the day or permanent ban for The Rock.
The day may get a little crazy. Just remember we are here to have fun and enjoy playing Airsoft.
Waivers: Minors under the age of 18 are required to have parental or legal guardian sign the release waiver for them. Anyone over 18 can sign their own waiver. Players must be at least 12 years old to play. A new waiver must be signed every calendar year. Waiver can be downloaded and signed. Bring a valid ID during check-in.
The games are built around the number of players paid. Games will be played regardless of the weather conditions. (unless canceled prior to game day) No Refunds.
These rules are subject to change at any time and without notice.
Photographers: Photographers will not be charged to be onsite. But in trade we would like a copy of all your pics to use as we see fit. Plus along with your water mark we would like The Rock Airsoft listed on there. This is only for those who are charging people for pictures while playing at our field. You must also sign a waiver and wear proper approved sealed eye protection. Please wear something bright colored to avoid confusion. Any questions contact us directly.
Water: Bring plenty of water at least 2L recommended. A lot more in the Summer
SafetyEye Protection: Full Seal eye protection mandatory for everyone. Eye protection MUST be fully sealed ANSI Z87.1 rated. NO safety glasses. NO shooting glasses. Full seal goggles/glasses must form a seal around the lenses that fully contacts with the skin and will not let a bb inside the seal. Mesh allowed if over 18. We strongly recommend safety glasses worn under the mesh. (Due to this being a rock quarry and the use of bio bbs). 12-17yr olds: Full sealed goggles. Mesh or hard plastic lower. 18 and over: Full sealed goggles, lower is still recommended, but not required.
Waivers: ANY PERSON ON THE FIELD OF PLAY MUST HAVE A SIGNED WAIVER and follow all the Rules. If you are on the field but not a player don't imply to the players that you are an ADMIN.
Safe Zones: All safe zones are marked. All guns must be on safe with magazine out and barrel blocks placed on guns. All pistols must be holstered at all times in the safe zones. Eye protection must be worn at all times on the field. If you have to test fire your gun to make sure it is working. (Muzzle must be all the way against the ground. Or in a Bag with magazine out). Do NOT shoot towards cars parked or pulling in or leaving. Do NOT shoot towards other peoples property. Again. Only shoot your gun in the designated areas!!! There is only one designated area and that is the Playing field.
Blind Firing: NO blind firing (must be able to see down the barrel or your gun) while shooting.
Blind Man: Blind Man. Should only be yelled in an emergency (if someone is injured or see someone without eye protection on the field). Everyone should lay their weapons on the ground and relay blind man to a referee. The game stops. AND NOBODY MOVES. STAY PUT UNTIL TOLD OTHERWISE.
Battle Buddy: We suggest staying with a battle buddy when it is HOT.
Physical Contact: There will be NO physical contact with other players of any kind on the field. Notify Admins of any issues. This includes Verbal threats. Doing harm or threatening Harm to anyone will NOT be tolerated. And you will be asked to leave the field without refund.
Transports: Please do not shoot at regular trucks that are taking players on and off the field!!! Also do not shoot any prop, vehicles, building materials or anything except the enemy. We are finding a lot of full auto damage to our property. If you want to fire your gun in full auto just shoot acroos the field. Again STOP purposely damaging property!!!
No Real Guns: NO real guns allowed due to the increased chances of a mistake. Don't even be showing them in the staging area. This is a ZERO tolerance offence and you will be asked to leave.
There are roads, as well as paths, for easy and safe travel. DO NOT climb hills that are too steep. This is a Rock Quarry and loose rock may cause injuries. Especially to those downhill from you. So be VERY aware.
Boundaries: Boundaries are marked. Nobody is to cross or shoot out of the boundaries. Be aware that boundaries can be down because of wildlife. So please be aware if you see it on the ground or vicinity.
On The FieldBBs: NO metal or glass bbs can be used.
Referees: Referees are the supreme authority on the field. They are there to make sure everyone is having fun and staying safe. Be respectful and comply with all requests from the referees. If you have an issue with another player (not calling hits, shooting up close etc.), or there is an emergency please notify a referee don't take the issue into your own hands. DON'T CALL OTHER PEOPLES HITS, WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF, All that does is cause issues.
Reloading: During regular play and most events you can load your mags anywhere.
3 Story building: When shooting in any building or shipping containers please use a Rifleman class rifle or pistol/Shotgun style gun. Once inside and you are defending the exterior of the building you can use your Primary if you would like. If the Enemy gets inside the 3 story building you can only use a Rifleman and pistol/Shotgun style gun inside the building to defend. We are trying to avoid the seriously hurting players at those close of distance and shooting down on peoples heads.
NO paint or powder for mines or in your gun.
Mines: There will be NO pyro of any kind. No homemade mine devices allowed without approval. eg67 GrenadeS and thunder B's have a 25ft radius for room clearing capability. All smoke and mine type devices must be approved. Do not throw smokes and grenades in the woods (to avoid fires) or in the shipping containers.
Wildlife: Do Not shoot any wildlife that you may encounter. Leave all wildlife alone. Kill Copper Heads! Leave Black snakes a lone!!!
Game PlayOpen play medics are just a specific time count and then healed. Special Events have their rules. Be sure you read each Events rules and procedures. Rock Events usually require Each player to bring 2 Ace Bandages (3 ft min) to be healed by medic. *Ops or specified events only.
Melee: All melee kills are to be non-violent. Tap the other player on the shoulder or helmet will be a kill. There is NO throwing knifes. No stabing motions. No grabing the enemy from behind and going through the motion.
Surrender kills: Safety kills don't happen very often. But...If you come up on a player within 15ft and they are at a disadvantage, ask for them to surrender, in that position they must surrender--it is considered as a kill. They can go back to Respawn or yell for a medic. Please don't just shoot a person in the back when they aren't a threat at close range and you aren't doing battle with anyone else.
Parlay: If players find themselves in close contact with each other. They can call themselves out or both go in different directions.
Hit Calling: If you are hit any place on the body (hand, feet, chest, head, gear, clothing, etc.) that is a hit, yell hit as loud as you can to inform other players you are out. If you are hit raise your hand and dead rag. Ricochets and gun hits do NOT count. Remember dead men tell no tales you can NOT tell your team where you got shot from. (Friendly fire is counted as a hit).
Respawn: There is a designated spawn point that dead players can go after sitting after waiting for a medic. The dead player must go all the way back to Respawn before coming back into the game. (Special games may have different Respawn rules) Please do NOT shoot into the other teams respawn. If you believe no medic can get to you in time you can just bleed out. DON'T SIT A HUNDRED FEET OFF OF A RESPAWN JUST WAITING.
A ROCK referee may take a player to have their gun chronographed to maintain safety of the players. Any player who believes a gun is chronoing over The Rocks FPS limit may request a chrono check. The ROCK's referee has the right to decide if the FPS check is necessary.
Rifle men: Rifleman 400fps or lower. Single fire within 50ft. Again, NO Binary Triggers Allowed. Mush shoot under 25 RPS!
DMR: DMR is 450fps or lower(must have secondary weapon) (single fire only) 75ft min. engagement distance
Sniper: Bolt action Sniper rifle: 500fps or lower(must have secondary weapon) 100ft min. engagement distance
Sniper/DMR: DMR and Snipers are NOT allowed to shoot Inside buildings/Connexs but can be used to shoot building to building.
HPA: PolarStar / High Pressure Air / GBBRs will chronograph using .30g BBs. Or the ones you are using if heavier. We use the fps/joules conversion chart for figuring HPA. Hopup to be turned off. All Weapons systems that use an external air source (i.e. PolarStars / Classics) will be required to use a "tournament" lock on their in-line regulators. Must be under 25rds per second.
Support Weapon: 400fps or lower (full auto allowed) Example of Support weapons: 249, PKM, Micro(mini) gun,LMG and these types of weapons that can only go full Auto. (A REGULAR AIRSOFT GUN WITH A BOX OR HIGH CAP MAG--IS NOT CONSIDERED A SUPPORT WEAPON) Only support weapons are allowed box mags. No more than 3 high caps allowed. No limit on midcaps. MED 50ft USE SECONDARY INSIDE OF BUILDINGS!
Rounds per Second: Rate of Fire must be 25 RPS or Lower.
RockaversaryUniforms: Players must wear Tan/Green/Multicam/Black based uniforms. All other players will be placed on different teams to assist in evening out teams. NO player is to wear the color RED. RED is for Referees/Admins ONLY.
Medic: Each Team will have its own medic situation. Which will be explained and sent out to players that have submitted their emails. And will be explained again from their CO\'s on the day of the Rockaversary.
Basic Medic: Requirements. 1. A designated team medic can treat a team mate by going up to that player and wrapping only (do not tie) the Ace bandage around the arm. (Each player needs to carry 2 Ace Bandages with them.) A player may only be bandaged TWICE. 3rd time Bleed out and head to Spawn. Medic CAN NOT re-use bandages from "dead" players. While healing the dead player they can NOT move or shoot. Dead Players can be moved out of the line of fire if needed.
Respawn: Each team will have 2 Main Respawn points. One closer to the Front staging area. And one out towards the Side boundary. This should reduce the walking a little bit. Plus speed up the start of the game. Instead of waiting for one team to walk/Ride to the back side of the property like in the past.